Listed below are places and people that we personally trust and deal with on a regular bases:
Disclaimer: We have no benefits whatsoever for recommending these people to you, other than the trust that was established over a long period of time.
Maple Lawn Orthodontics: In Fulton, MD. Dr. Kam Patel is my favorite orthodontist, when interdisciplinary treatment is needed. Very knowledgeable, and uses the Damon system in braces.
Implant & Oral Surgery Center in Maple Lawn: Dr. Jay Haddad is an oral surgeon that we routinely refer patients to. Highly skilled and educated.
Oral Surgery Associates: They have multiple locations including Laurel.
Apex Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Center: Dr. Michael Muul in Columbia, MD. Michael is very much familiar with one of my favorite implant systems on the market today Straumann.