Our philosophy at Key West family dentistry is to have you walk in as a patient, leave as a friend and come back as a family. And even through we see all ages, and we have many families where the grand parents, parents and children come to our office, the name of family in Key West Family Dentistry is because we treat you like family.
Our philosophy is that teeth, gums, lips and the face are such a unique blend, and it is different for each individual, and while treatment might be different from one individual to the other, approaching this unique system in the most conservative way, is the same for everyone.
Many people were blessed with a beautiful smile, health teeth and gums. For those a 6 months check up and prophy is all what they need.
For others who might need some work, to achieve our goal in providing you with the most conservative dentistry, in some cases, a periodontist, an oral surgeon and or an orthodontist might be involved in the treatment to achieve an optimal outcome.
Our mission Statement: The mission statement for Key West Family Dentistry is: To provide conservative dentistry at a mastery level, delivered with cutting edge technology.